
IACRAO Communication is done via our mailing list: [email protected].  This list is available only for IACRAO members.   


To make sure you are a part of the new E-Community, please follow the instructions below:

1. Log into your profile.

2. In the My Features tab, click E-Lists.

3. Make sure you are subscribed to the list.

4. Make note of the list address.

5. Click Edit to control your preferences.

6. Click the list name to see and search previous posts.

7. To start participating, click Post a New Message or send an email to the list address.


TO SEND A MESSAGE TO EVERYONE ON THE MAIL LIST, simply create an email message (as you would usually do) addressed to: [email protected].  This address should ONLY be used to send messages out to every member of the mail list.)

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THE MAIL LIST, log into your profile, and in the My Features tab click E-Lists and unsubscribe from the list.  Please remember that unsubscribing from the list will prevent you from receiving information about upcoming workshops, conferences, and webinars offered by IACRAO.  

History & Purpose of the IACRAO mail list– In early June 1997, the official IACRAO listserv was brought on-line with over 300 members. The purpose of our mail list is to give IACRAO members an easy, fast, and efficient method with which to share ideas and information.

Mail List Policy – The IACRAO mail list is available only for members of the Indiana Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. Non-members who show an interest may also be accepted to join the IACRAO mail list, but this will be handled through the IACRAO Executive Committee on a person-by-person basis.

Discussions which are not related to IACRAO or related issues are generally not appropriate. Profanity and personal attacks, or ‘flaming’, have no place on the IACRAO mail list and will not be tolerated. Anyone can have a bad day, so please do not use the list to vent frustration or anger. The list moderator will take any appropriate actions, including warnings, to prevent inappropriate communications on this mail list.

Information & Operation – An internet mail list is a method for many people to communicate easily via email. When an email message is sent to the mail list, our software will automatically forward that message to all the other members. Members may reply to that message, either back to the entire mailing list, or just to the person who sent the message.