By-LawsBy-Laws of the Indiana Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (Rev. 2/27/15)Article I – NameThe name of this nonprofit professional education organization shall be the Indiana Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Inc. (IACRAO). Hereinafter this organization shall be referred to as the Association. Article II – PurposeThe purpose of the Association shall be to contribute to the advancement of higher education. To this purpose the goal of the Association is to provide professional development for the staff in the office or offices of records management, admissions, enrollment management, administrative information technology and student services. Article III – MembershipSection 1. Membership shall be (a) Institutional, (b) Associate, or (c) Honorary.
Section 2. Each dues-paying institution shall have two votes. Voter cards will be distributed at the Annual Meeting if necessary as follows: 1) Primary contact; 2) Registrar or designee; 3) Director of Admissions or designee. In the event that none of the above are present at the meeting, voter cards will be distributed to the most senior representatives from the institution (as can best be determined by title). Article IV – OfficersSection 1. Only Active Members may hold offices in the Association. Section 2. The Executive Officers of the Association shall be President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President,, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall be elected at Annual Meetings by a majority of Active Members present casting legal ballots. Section 3. The Executive Officers named in Section 2, together with the immediate Past President, shall constitute the Executive Committee. They will assist the President in conducting the business of the Association, determine the time and place of the next meeting as provided in the by-laws, and assist in arranging the program. Article V- FeesSection 1. The schedule of annual membership fees shall be as follows:
Section 2. The membership year will be September 1 through August 31. The fiscal year will be the calendar year. Section 3. Any Institutional Member who fails to pay the annual fee before August 31, after a written reminder to the contact person from the Treasurer and after the approval of the President and the Executive Committee, shall be dropped from the list of members for the membership year beginning September 1. Section 4. The Executive Committee will determine the Annual Meeting registration fee. This fee is applicable to each person in attendance, excepting honorary members and special guests of the Association as determined by the Executive Committee. Any attendee whose institution has not paid the annual fee before the Annual Meeting will be charged a non-member registration fee. Article VI – MeetingsThe Association shall hold an Annual Meeting. The location and date are to be chosen by the Executive Committee with due regard to geographical rotation. The Executive Committee also shall have the authority to advance, postpone, or omit meetings if deemed necessary. Article VII – Election, Term of Office, Duties of OfficersSection 1. President – The President shall assume office after serving as 1st Vice-President, and shall serve not more than one elected term. The President shall preside at all Executive Committee meetings as well as the Annual Meeting of the Association, shall act as chairperson of the Executive Committee, and shall be in full charge of operations as well as responsible for supervision of all assigned and delegated duties. The President is the Executive Committee liaison to the Auditing Committee. Section 2. 1st Vice-President – The 1st Vice-President shall become President at the end of the term as 1st Vice-President. In the event the Presidency should become vacant during the year the 1st Vice-President shall succeed to the Presidency, and will be eligible to serve in the following year for the full term as President. The 1st Vice-President is the Executive Committee liaison to the Event Management Committee and the Program Committee. Section 3. 2nd Vice-President – The 2nd Vice-President shall be elected by a majority of the legal votes cast at the Annual Meeting. The 2nd Vice-President shall become 1st Vice-President at the end of the term as 2nd Vice-President. In the event the office of 1st Vice-President should become vacant during the year, the 2nd Vice-President shall succeed to the 1st Vice-President and will be eligible to serve in the following year for the full term as 1st Vice-President. The 2nd Vice-President will be responsible for any summer workshops, assisting the 1st Vice-President with the annual meeting program, and is the Executive Committee liaison to the Communications & Technology Committee. Section 4. Secretary/ – The Secretary/ shall be elected by a majority of the legal votes cast at the Annual Meeting and shall serve a term of three (3) years. The Secretary/r shall keep minutes at the Annual Meeting and shall be custodian of the secretarial records of the Association; also, shall keep the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings, and shall maintain a cumulative index of its proceedings. In addition to the usual duties of the office, the Secretary shall keep an accurate list of membership eligibility and a list of the current members of the Association;; and bear sole responsibility for membership records and annual membership reports. Section 5. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall be elected by a majority of the legal votes cast at the Annual Meeting and shall serve a term of three (3) years. The Treasurer shall collect membership fees, pay all Association bills, prepare informal financial statements for meetings of the Executive Committee; and at the close of the fiscal year prepare a complete financial report to be audited by the Auditing Committee. Section 6. Immediate Past President – At the end of the Annual Meeting, the current President becomes the Immediate Past President who remains a member of the Executive Committee. Responsibilities include: submit Executive Committee archival information to the Association Secretary, chair of the Nominating Committee, serve as parliamentarian at the Annual Meeting and serve as consultant to the President. Section 7. Incumbency – With the exception of the Treasurer, the elected officers shall hold office from the adjournment of the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall hold office from the beginning of the fiscal year following the election until the close of the fiscal year in which a successor is elected. Section 8. Resignation and/or Removal of Executive Committee Member – A member of the Executive Committee may resign at any time upon written notice to the Executive Committee. Any officer, who during the course of a term of service, fails to qualify as an Active Member for a period of ninety (90) days due to loss of employment or other circumstances shall be asked to resign. Any officer may be removed from office for dereliction of duty or other similar offense, after full investigation and due process, by a unanimous vote of the remaining Executive Committee. Section 9. Vacancy in Office – Unless otherwise provided for in the By-Laws, the Executive Committee shall have authority to fill any vacancy by appointment for the unexpired term. Any individual appointed to an unexpired term of an elective office shall be eligible, by nomination and election, to succeed in the office for a full elective term. Article VIII – CommitteesSection 1. Standing Committees. The Association shall be served by the following standing committees: Auditing, Communications & Technology, Event Management, Nominating, and Program. All standing committees perform additional duties as may be delegated to them by the President and the Executive Committee. Section 2. Committee Membership and Terms of Appointment
Section 3. Committee Responsibilities
Section 4. Ad Hoc Committees. The Association shall be served by the appointment of ad hoc committees as deemed necessary and appropriate by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee. These committees shall be appointed to perform the designated and specific services for the duration of the appointment determined by the President as appropriate to the nature and extent of the services to be performed. Nothing in this article shall be construed as preventing the appointment of ad hoc or additional standing committees as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee for the continuance of the work of the Association. Examples may include but are not limited to Diversity Committee, Legislative Affairs Committee, or Student Retention Committee. ARTICLE IX – Distribution of Assets on DissolutionIn the event of dissolution of the Association, the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Association, distribute all of the assets of the Association to a not-for-profit corporation or association which has similar goals and purposes as this Association and which is a duly qualified corporation under section 501(c) (6). Article X – AmendmentsThese By-laws may be amended at any Annual Meeting by a majority of the legal ballots cast by the Active Members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been sent to the Active Members at least four weeks in advance of the meeting. An amendment not thus proposed in advance but reviewed by the Executive Committee may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the legal ballots cast by the Active Members present and voting. The Executive Committee will review and make any recommended changes to the By-Laws every four years or more frequently as necessary. |